Thank you for stopping by my new website, I'm very excited to be here! I used to blog on my Knitting Revolution Wordpress site, but a while ago some kind of update took place and my Wordpress login just stopped working. I even received messages which I could not reply to as I could not log in to Wordpress any more. How frustrating! I am not especially tech-savvy so I decided to start from scratch, with a little help from Etsy.
I am looking forward to adding new patterns, starting with the Extreme Knitting Cat Basket, as modelled by Larry. I have been asked for the pattern a lot, so to celebrate my new website, I am getting it ready for release. There is also a hooded version, the Cat Cave, which I'll also share.
Hoping you are all keeping well during these strange times. A small silver lining for me is that I have more time to focus on new designs and ideas, hence - finally - a new website. Looking forward to adding more content!